Dance Critics Society of Japan 42th Annual Award

Dance Critics Society of Japan held 42th Annual Awards Ceremony at Aoyama, central Tokyo on 16th April. ( I am a committee member.)

(C) Yukihiko YOSHIDA

DCS-J Annual Award 2010:

Yasuyuki Shuto, Ballet;
(For "Apocalypse" choreographed by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui ) 'To his active attitude to create new dance and great achievement in Dane World.'

Shotaro Hanayagi, Nihon Buyo;
(For "Sansho Dayuu" by the company, Atou-kai) 'To the great quality of dance creation, and actual results in the company'

DCS-J New Comer Award 2010:

Ayako Ono, Ballet;
(For "Cinderella" and "Firebird")`To dainty and marvelous dance expression as Japanese ballerina who leads the coming generation in New National Ballet and potential toward the future.'

Seifu Onoe, Nihon Buyo;
(For “Shogun Nobunaga in Rainy Season”:”Baiu Shogun Nobunaga”) `To Talent in choreography and direction with dynamic taste and psychological description in the work, “Shogun Nobunaga in Rainy Season”'

(For “Derumetore Sayuri” and "Snow, Road, Dream":"Yuki-Michi-Yume") ‘To the ability to find a new way of Butoh with surrealistic expression’