Jane Barlow and Witaly Osins, ballet teachers who worked in postwar Japan, and their students

I have releaed latest paper from Pan-Asian Journal of Sports & Physical Education, 2012.

“Jane Barlow and Witaly Osins, ballet teachers who worked in postwar Japan, and their students”

Keio Research Institute at SFC, Senior Visiting Researcher,
Yukihiko Yoshida
Jane Barlow and Witaly Osins were ballet teachers working in postwar Japan during the occupation of General Headquarters and the American cultural policy after 1945. Ballet de Bleu came about as a result of their students, and flourished as a star ballet company. The ballet company, Ballet 1957, also emerged from students of Osins. An analysis of their history after compiling historical data and material reveal the ballet and ballet culture of that time.
Keywords: Jane Barlow, Witaly Osins, Ballet, GHQ, American Culture Center