Networked Virtual Performance Envirorments: Japan UKIYO LAB

December 3-13, 2009

Networked Virtual Performance Envirorments: Japan UKIYO LAB in residence
with Mixed reality Lab, Keio University (dir. by. Prof. Adrian Cheok)

In the second phase of the UKIYO project collaboration, the DAP-Lab team (Brunel University) will reside in Tokyo and be guests in residence at Mixed
Reality Lab, Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University, directed by Professor Adrian Cheok. There the researchers from Japan and Europe will spend several days investigating new approaches to 3d virtual reality and virtual movement design, and exchanging knowledge and methodologies. In the second half ofthe UKIYO research encounter, Johannes Birringer and his DAP team will meet some of the leading Japanese choreographers and digital artists interested in hybrid performance choreography, and they will work together from 9th to 12th December 2009. An international symposium is hosted by Keio University during this time frame, with an evening program of presentations and films.

Keio-NUS CUTE Center website:
UKIYO is supported by a PMi2/connect British Council research cooperation award for Knowledge Transfer between the UK and Japan (Keio University).